Today everyone has a mobile camera. These traveling little historical documentation tools makes everyone a bit of  historian, artist, journalist. The reasons behind wanting to capture a certain moment in time differ between each individual. How each of  us sees the world, interacts with all it's beauty, and  desires to capture a moment in time varies greatly.
For me photography has always been about the 'seeing' first and the capture second. My default position and relationship with reality is to look out there and do my best to understand what I am experiencing, both internally and externally. Seeing something worth capturing in a picture is  driven by my desire to time-lock and be able to recall the moment, the feeling, the event, the person involved in the future.
I believe photography is a very rationally selfish art form. This is why I take photos for myself and have never been driven to be a professional. While I like accolades and praise for some of my work, I really mostly enjoy the doing, the process, and the reflection.
I am sharing my favorites and some of my daily shots as I take them as means to continue this self expression. If you find your way to my page and like my photos, thank you for sharing a bit of your moments with mine.
Jo El
Note about usage - These photos are mine and shared for others to see. I am open to usage if I am  contacted and we come to an agreement. Otherwise, please be respectful and do not infringe on this material.
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